On 24th April, 2019, the Governing Board of CUHK-Shenzhen approved the establishment of the Board of Directors of Shaw College. Comprised of experts and leaders across academia and industry, the Board of Directors will provide guidance and advice for the strategic development of the College. The wise counsel and support of the Board of Directors are gratefully acknowledged by Shaw College. The inaugural members of the Board of Directors are:
The Shaw Foundation Hong Kong
The Shaw Foundation Hong Kong
President, CUHK-Shenzhen
Vice President (External and Student Affairs) of CUHK- Shenzhen
Choh-Ming Li Professor of Electronic Engineering of The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Independent Director of Ant Bank (Hong Kong) Limited, Alipay (Hong Kong) Investment Limited and Bank of Montreal (China) Co. Ltd
Former President of the Alumni Association of Shaw College, CUHK
Founder, Lee Woo Sing College, CUHK
Chairman of Board of the Trustees of Shaw College, CUHK
Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences