deTour 2024 Design Festival at Hong Kong PMQ

On December 1st, students and teachers of Shaw College set off on an artistic journey in Hong Kong. Their first stop was PMQ, the former Police Married Quarters, now a vibrant hub where art, design, and commerce intersect. Throughout their visit, students explored various exhibitions and workshops, guided by the docents who shared fascinating design stories and concepts. The group discovered innovative installations including "Island Lights", "Air-Scape", "Capturing Qi" and "A place of Being". These thought-provoking pieces encouraged students to reflect deeply on the theme of "existence". Following the guided tour, students meandered through Hong Kong's bustling streets, absorbing the city's vibrant energy and creating cherished memories. This cultural excursion not only offered a glimpse into Hong Kong's rich artistic landscape but also sparked a deeper appreciation and enthusiasm for art among the students.